Grandma & Grandpa Boone fixed up a go-kart for Mylanie for Christmas. She's been asking Grandpa to fix her one for a while and Grandpa finally gave in:) We spent the rest of the week taking turns riding with her. Everyone even got to drive once or twice! Mommy enjoyed it very much and Daddy too! After she had driven a while she wanted to know when she could drive the car! She was very disapointed to find out she still had to wait until she was 16 to drive a car.
About Me
- Tim, Wendy & Mylanie
- We are a family of three that is starting out on an incredible journey of faith. This blog is for all our family and friends, both old and new, to help keep in touch:) Check out our website:
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008
Please be praying that God will lead in the possible purchase of the stillwater lodge for our ministry. We received a phone call on Christmas day letting us know that the purchase price had been reduced by $200,000. Pray that if this is the property for us to minister with that God will touch hearts of folks to help us with this need. If you do know of corporate donors who may wish to get in a charitable contribution please email us and let us know. I it is eciting to see how God's plan will unfold during these most eventful days. God bless and Happy New Year.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Open Door Baptist Church
Thurday night we had a wonderful time ministering to Open Door Baptist Church in Plant City, FL. This is a newly started ministry. We had the opportinity to play for their music service. It was wonderful to be playing in church again!! Pastor Bond did a wonderful job with his monologue of Benjamin (one of the shepherds that visited Mary & Joseph). He is going to do another one at Jr. Camp this year! Right, Pastor Bond?
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Wheel of Fortune!!!
We had the wonderful opportunity Monday night to attend a live taping of Wheel of Fortune! A very ncie lady named Debbie gave us some free tickets to the taping. We had a wonderful time and we got to see three shows taped. There is a lot of stuff that goes on that you don't see on TV! And a LOT of audience coaching:) Mylanie enjoyed watching Vanna touch the screens to show the letter. "It's amazing!" she said. We also saw the human side of Vanna. After the show, Vanna left in tennis shoes!!! If you watch Wheel on April 7th or 8th, you may see us:)
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Committ Thy ways....
Pastor Bond of First Baptist Church of Port Richey shared with us last evening in the service the verse that states committ thy ways to the Lord and then thy thoughts shall be established. That is oppossite how we prefer to do things. We want to plan and the committ, God says Committ and then plan. I am thankful in our journey to Stillwater that God always does his plan. We were fairly dissapointed that the tenants who were to occupy our Florida home dec 1st, did not show at the last minute. However, we found out from our property manager that the tenants ducked out their rent with current landlord and fled the state to another state. That would have been us at some point so God knows best. Pray for our car and house situation. We will be in Nc again no later thatn Jan 11th as we have a meeting in Eden Nc. Pray that all will work out that we might go ahead and base there this time. God bless you all and thanks for the many who have let us know you were praying for us. Feel free to give us a call or email, we like hearing from you.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Thank You To Suncoast Baptist
A very special thank you to the people at Suncoast Baptist Church, New Port Richey, FL for allowing us to present Stillwater Ministry this past Sunday. We were able for the first time to show our slideshow of the property as well as some pictures from last year's Jr. Camp. All in all it was a great meeting!!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Our much hard work and study (about 9 yrs. worth) Our Proverbs devotional study guide is available. The title is Practical Pillars for Powerful Living. Many thanks to Wendy is due for here hard work in editing and design. We hope this book will help many Christians in their understanding and comprehension of Proverbs. Please go to our webiste for order info or it may be purchased through ebay item # 220323495176. Thanks so much and your donation for the book will help us continue in the stillwater minsitry endeavours. There have been many exciting deveolpments concerning property in NC and we are praying that God will lead us. More info on that will be availble when we know for sure which direction GOd is taking us.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
STUFF STUFF And More Stuff...
As we are getting our home ready to rent I am amazed at how few items we really need. We have sold some , given some away, burned some and still we have stuff that will need to be moved and stored this week. I must say I hate moving. We have been in the Fl area for 12 years and it is hard to see the bare walls of our home. But I was reminded as I was looking though old pictures that in 1996 I came to Fl to go college and I knew no one and had nothing but the car I was driving. I am going into this new ministry , leaving behind a rental home investment, a 12 year history of many friends, a wonderful wife delightful daughter and a great family. Most importantly our FAITH in God is stronger now than ever. I have no idea our next address and yet somehow I am not worried because where God guides he provides.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
It is amazing to think that we have been officially on the road to camp a month now. It seems like it has been longer than that. God has done so many things and we have seen so many wonderful people. Today was a very bizarre Sunday but through it all we were able to witness to some folks and see some miracles. This evening we had sold some out door furniture in preparing to move and decided to splurge on a meal just because. It was enjoyable to sit with Mylanie and Wendy and spend some quality family time. I was actually feeling guilty about the price of the meal ( IHOP) because we usually try to be a little thriftier. It is a restaurant we never go to and somehow wound up there. Every other place was closed or what not. I was thinking what a mistake this must have been. About that the middle of the meal a man approached our table and said your the Boone family. It was a ministry friend. He talked a minute and then said to be an encouragement to you I am going to buy your supper. Truly God orders our stops and steps. My daughter was astonished. Mylanie said "Shocking, everywhere there are people we know. " Then she told her Grandma on the phone later a really nice man gave us supper. I thought yes and a really great God caused him to do it and will bless him for it.
We were able to witness to the waiter a little bit... You never what when and where. Thank God for the nice man and all the others that help with those little encouragements.
This last week God has used others to provide a cell phone to replace the old broken one, several meals, a car to borrow in place of the broken one and lots of friends to encourage and cheer us on. As we approach thanksgiving, thanks seems so shallow as to all that God does for us. Evenn for having us stop at IHOP, thanks
We were able to witness to the waiter a little bit... You never what when and where. Thank God for the nice man and all the others that help with those little encouragements.
This last week God has used others to provide a cell phone to replace the old broken one, several meals, a car to borrow in place of the broken one and lots of friends to encourage and cheer us on. As we approach thanksgiving, thanks seems so shallow as to all that God does for us. Evenn for having us stop at IHOP, thanks
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Pictures of the Property We'd Like to Buy for Stillwater
Here they are as promised, the pictures of the property we are looking at for starting Stillwater Ministry. It's an amazingly beautiful place. Keep us in your prayers as we begin the process of raising funds to purchase the camp!!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Cotton-Pickin' Kids
Today in between meetings and car woes (we need a new transmission!!) we had time to enjoy a little bit of the south. Cotton!!! Mylanie and Nicki went out into the field and picked some left over cotton. You'll notice the sweatshirts?!?! It's cold for us Floridians!! It's in the 30's!! We may see snow flurries tonight!!
Special thanks to the wonderfully warm welcome (except for the weather) we received in NC. We started out at Coats Community with a sing on Saturday night by the Dennis family. Then on Sunday morning we shared a minsitry of music and message with folks there. The interest in the camp by Pastor Jim Cochran and his folks confirmed that God has led ut to this area for a camp ministry. We are so overwhelmed by the amazing possibilities that can be achieved by the camp. NEVER FORGET THAT WHOEVER GETS THERE FIRST WINS THE RACE IN THE HEART OF A CHILD!
Sunday night Bro. Cashwelll and Benson Grove Baptist Church were also very receptive and supportive of this minsitry. They see the vision and need for this camp ministry. We appreciate all the gifts and comments and kind words. We were literally overwhelmed by the kindness. Our little volkswagon bug has a "bug" of some sort and is being towed to a repair shop this morning. However It is all good when God is in it. Thanks to those who have provided assistance in finding a shop, etc. God bless you all
Sunday night Bro. Cashwelll and Benson Grove Baptist Church were also very receptive and supportive of this minsitry. They see the vision and need for this camp ministry. We appreciate all the gifts and comments and kind words. We were literally overwhelmed by the kindness. Our little volkswagon bug has a "bug" of some sort and is being towed to a repair shop this morning. However It is all good when God is in it. Thanks to those who have provided assistance in finding a shop, etc. God bless you all
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Thanks so much for the opportunity to present our vision for the future for Americas pastors to Pastor Dan Edwards and the Bemiss Road Baptist church family. We appreciate the kindness and gifts to help the ministry. Bro. Dan Edwards preached a good message on prayer while we were there with great reminders to prioritize your prayer life. Thanks to Mom and Dad for having us and happy Birthday to Dad Boone. Thank you to relatives who visited to hear our presentation, (Aunt Jodi,Uncle Lamar, Darlene Morgan Cheyene, Keith Sissie, and Addison).
It was good to see many friends who watched me grow up there in Valdosta. God bless you all and thanks for your prayers.
Pray we can get the first book published that we are almost done with. The title will be Practical Pillars for Powerful living. This series will be a deovtional study guide for the wonderful book of Proverbs. It will be based on the seven pillars that are found within the book. Check for availability. We are also working on our humour book that includes some of the strange things that happen in and around church.
It was good to see many friends who watched me grow up there in Valdosta. God bless you all and thanks for your prayers.
Pray we can get the first book published that we are almost done with. The title will be Practical Pillars for Powerful living. This series will be a deovtional study guide for the wonderful book of Proverbs. It will be based on the seven pillars that are found within the book. Check for availability. We are also working on our humour book that includes some of the strange things that happen in and around church.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
And the Journey Continues...
This week begins our first series of road trips. We will be in Valdosta, GA Wednesday, Nov. 12. In North Carolina, Nov. 15-17th for at least 4 meetings and then back to FL to clean & pack up everything in our house. (The renters will be moving in Dec. 1st!) Please pray for us as we travel. We'll be looking for a place to live and hopefully, we will have some pictures of the camp to post here and on the website for you all to get a good look at what we are praying the Lord will bless us with. Stay tuned!!
People's Baptist Church
Today we were at People's Baptist Church in Holiday, FL. We had the opportunity to share the ministry with the people there. We received a very warm welcome and many people took home a care cottage bank. Once again, we were made to feel right at home. Thanks so much to all of you!! It was wonderful to renew some old friendships and make some new ones. We are very grateful to have been able to be a part of your service. Thank You!! PS. Happy 40th Birthday, Pastor Neal:)
Monday, November 3, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Our First Meeting:)
We send out a very special thank you to First Baptist of Port Richey for being the first church to let us present Stillwater. Thank you for being kind enough to overlook some of our blunders and allowing us to be a part of your service. Your kindness and hospitality helped remove most of the anxiousness of a first meeting. We appreciate each and every one of you and your generousity was such a blessing to us. We're looking forward to seeing some of you in June for Jr. Camp. (And yes, I'm still going to plan "Supper Sloppy Double Dare" and I have plans for another new game this year!!) Thank you to your ladies group for thinking of us in such a kind way. Pastor & Mrs. Bond your are more than welcome anytime. Family never leaves your heart and we'll always have our phone:)
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Where God guides he provides is more than just a cliche and we are learning that daily. We needed funds for the prayer cards. These are a little pricer than first imagined. (at least by me) However God provided the exact amount through gifts given by friends in the NPR area. Even to the copyright fees for photos that were needed for the prayer cards God provided it all before we even know we needed some of it. Jeremiah 33:3 tells us to call unto thee... Well we are learning that he means what he said. We are praying for the funds for a proper scroll display and expect that he will provide it soon. You cannot outgive God. Thanks to all those who have given to this ministry. We will publishing our logo as: Builidng your church by lifting up your leaders!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
"See you next time!"
You never say goodbye to family, just simply, "See you next time!" This past week we said that to many of our extended family at Fellowship Baptist Church where we have spent the last 12 years of our lives. Family remains in your heart always, no matter how great the distance. We want you all to know that you will be forever in our thoughts and prayers. We know that the Lord will continue to work among you and you are going to do great things for Him. Never lose sight of who He is and what He can do when you allow him. We love you all so very much and "We'll see you next time:)"
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Sweet and Sour
Sweet and Sour sauce is tasty because it is just that, sweet and sour. We must admit this week was unbelievably both. We had a few sour tastes in that our 12 year identity with Fellowship had changed. We will no longer be a part of the daily operations of that great work. This week's revival was absolutely sweet with God working through the Foresters and Tony Howeth. When Bro. Tony was scheduled a year and one half ago, we never realized how much his expertise in deputation would mean to us now. Thanks to all for the meals and sweet times of friendship shared in this power packed week. We received yet another clear confirmation of God's certain calling on our lives this past Friday. We had not yet turned in our contract to rent our home with the property manager. So imagine our surprise when the manager (who is by the way a Christian another miracle) called us and told we us have a tenant that wants to rent on the first of December. What amazing timing that our last workday at Fellowship would bring that kind of news. Coincidence, I think not. We can only praise God for leading us along one day at a time.
Friday, October 10, 2008
A Special Thank You:)
Today I'd like to say a very special thank you to the Fellowship Baptist Academy Volleyball Team, Cindy McKeel, Jodi Kulp, Gina & Bill MacLellan, my mom & dad (for driving the bus and just being who you are) & brother. Together we tackled a tough project--our change drive banks!!! For those of you who don't know, we are putting together a change drive to help raise the money to purchase the camp property. Some very wonderful people in our church pulled funds together to help us purchase the banks. (Another prayer request answered!) The banks are made of cardboard and come some assembly required!! Kinda like putting a 3D puzzle together. Much laughter and some minor frustration (poor Bill!!) was spent putting them together & taking them apart, deciding who should stick to putting labels on only (my wonderful husband who is horrible at puzzles) and others maybe who should just watch (Bill, again) In the hour and a half we were on the road, we put together 231 banks:) Thanks so much everyone!! I'm going to miss all the road trip singing and silliness. I love you girls:)
Monday, October 6, 2008
Meeting Schedule
For those of you who have asked what our meeting schedule looks like, here it is.
October 13th-Ormond Beach, FL-Baptist Bible Fellowship Monthly Meeting
October 17th-New Port Richey, FL-Meeting with an individual
October 25th-Our last official day at Fellowship
October 29th-Port Richey, FL-First Baptist Church of Port Richey
November 9th-Holiday, FL-People's Baptist Church
November 16th-Coats, NC-Coats Community Church-AM Service
November 16th-Benson, NC-Benson Grove Baptist Church-PM Service
For the short amount of time that we have been able to contact churches, we have been blessed with a good number of meetings. We are waiting on some churches to get back to us. The Lord has really blessed us with an extremely positive reaction every where we have gone. We'll continue to keep everyone updated:)
October 13th-Ormond Beach, FL-Baptist Bible Fellowship Monthly Meeting
October 17th-New Port Richey, FL-Meeting with an individual
October 25th-Our last official day at Fellowship
October 29th-Port Richey, FL-First Baptist Church of Port Richey
November 9th-Holiday, FL-People's Baptist Church
November 16th-Coats, NC-Coats Community Church-AM Service
November 16th-Benson, NC-Benson Grove Baptist Church-PM Service
For the short amount of time that we have been able to contact churches, we have been blessed with a good number of meetings. We are waiting on some churches to get back to us. The Lord has really blessed us with an extremely positive reaction every where we have gone. We'll continue to keep everyone updated:)
Thursday, October 2, 2008
You want us to do what?!?
The first thing I did after I picked my jaw off the floor was started to pray. We began to ask God for very specific leading. The first request was that someone needed to tell us that this was something they thought we could do. The catch was that we weren't going to say anything to anyone. What can I say, I believe in asking, and both my husband & I needed VERY specific direction. Hey, this is a major life move!! So out of the clear blue, a friend told us his pastor had said that he could see us running a camp ministry in the near future!! Ok, God, maybe...but I think we need a little more confirmation. My daughter has been in New Port Richey all her life. Show us that she'll be Ok with moving. In June, after Jr. Camp, Mylanie pips up, "Mommy, I could just live at camp all the time!" WOW!! Do you have goosebumps, yet? Just hold on, it get better!! We still weren't 100% sure. (OK, we're a little slow!) And the Bible does say, "In the multitude of counselors, there is safety." So we called a close pastor friend in North Carolina. Bro. Billy has been a mentor to my husband for a very long time. Tim simply asked Bro. Billy if we could stop by on our vacation in July and talk to him about something. That's all my husband said. Bro. Billy said, "Sure. And while you are up here I want to look at a camp that's for sale. I think you should look into it." That was all the confirmation we needed. Stillwater Ministry has begun. You can check out our ministry website (if you haven't already) at
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
And we're off...
What do you say when you husband says, "I feel God is leading us into a new ministry. I'm not exactly sure what it is, but I believe it has something to do with camp." Well, I did what every good pasor's wife does and quietly "freaked out!" We've been happily serving the Lord for 13+ years at Fellowship Baptist Church in New Port Richey, FL. We have been involve in youth camps (8-12 year old) even before we were married. I've never made it a secret that I love camp and that running a camp full time would be my dream job. But that was for when we were old, and had some money saved up. Not right now. This is the only town my daughter has ever known, and I just figured we grow old here and retire into camp ministry. But the Lord had other plans for us. The Lord has been leading us for several months now. The first few posts will be a recap of how we had to be pushed by God to start and then we'll try to post at least once a week. We invite you to follow along with us as we begin to tell you about what I now refer to as our "Incredible Journey of Faith" that has only just begun and truly it has already been incredible...
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