Monday, November 17, 2008


Special thanks to the wonderfully warm welcome (except for the weather) we received in NC. We started out at Coats Community with a sing on Saturday night by the Dennis family. Then on Sunday morning we shared a minsitry of music and message with folks there. The interest in the camp by Pastor Jim Cochran and his folks confirmed that God has led ut to this area for a camp ministry. We are so overwhelmed by the amazing possibilities that can be achieved by the camp. NEVER FORGET THAT WHOEVER GETS THERE FIRST WINS THE RACE IN THE HEART OF A CHILD!
Sunday night Bro. Cashwelll and Benson Grove Baptist Church were also very receptive and supportive of this minsitry. They see the vision and need for this camp ministry. We appreciate all the gifts and comments and kind words. We were literally overwhelmed by the kindness. Our little volkswagon bug has a "bug" of some sort and is being towed to a repair shop this morning. However It is all good when God is in it. Thanks to those who have provided assistance in finding a shop, etc. God bless you all

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