Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Look What God Is Doing!!!

The past two weeks have passed in a blaze of activity. We had eight nights straight where we spent the night in a different place! We started off with Jr. Camp in Florida. Did I mention that we had 3 campers get saved?:) On the trip back to NC, we took a family day at the beach in South Carolina. We were home for 1 night & off to Mississippi to get trailers for camp! What a trip!!!! The Lord provided the money at that time for 4 trailers. We were back home Wed. and began the necessary remodling to turn the trailers into dorms. Before we could even finish, the Lord has provided the money for 2 more trailers!! It has been amazing to see God work!! Thankfully, wonderful friends have volunteered to pick up the trailers for us so we can get ready for teen camp next week! We will have enough dorm space to hold approximately 30 teens! Please pray that the Lord will send just the right amount of teens for camp next week. If you know of a teen in the NC area that would like to attend camp, have them contact us!