Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Something New!!!

We now have a bath house for camp!!

This is going to be such a big help! Ready made Bathrooms!! One more building that we don't have to build!!! An area disaster relief organization donated it to us. It's never been used. All the plumbing is done, we just have to hook it up to sewer. And of course add shower curtians & doors for the pottys!! It has 10 shower stalls, 8 sinks & 4 toilets divided up into two bathrooms!
To God Be The Glory!!!!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

It's Official...

...Stillwater has a home! We now have property & can start building Camp!! We are going to be able to build on the same location that we held our Jr. & Teen camps this summer. It's been almost exactly 2 years since we started out on our journey. We have seen God work in some amazing ways. From leading us to exactly the right area at exactly the right time to placing wonderfully willing people with exactly the right knowledge to help us in our next steps. It truly has been an "Incredible Journey of Faith!" Please pray that the Lord will continue to lead, direct & bless as we start seeking permiting, zoning & buildings!!!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Remember when...

Back in April I posted that I was going to exercise my faith & I bought some decorations for my camp office which I didn't have yet. Today, I put those decorations up in my camp office!!! This is the first down time we've had since we got the office to put them up!! When God decides to work, He does it quickly & absolutely!! Looking back a month & a half ago, we didn't know where or how, but we know God wanted us to have camp. Sitting here now, we have 9 trailers & the property on loan to put them! "The Lord has done great things for us, whereof we are glad. Ps. 126:3! Please continue to pray for us that God will give us wisdom for the next step!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Look What God Is Doing!!!

The past two weeks have passed in a blaze of activity. We had eight nights straight where we spent the night in a different place! We started off with Jr. Camp in Florida. Did I mention that we had 3 campers get saved?:) On the trip back to NC, we took a family day at the beach in South Carolina. We were home for 1 night & off to Mississippi to get trailers for camp! What a trip!!!! The Lord provided the money at that time for 4 trailers. We were back home Wed. and began the necessary remodling to turn the trailers into dorms. Before we could even finish, the Lord has provided the money for 2 more trailers!! It has been amazing to see God work!! Thankfully, wonderful friends have volunteered to pick up the trailers for us so we can get ready for teen camp next week! We will have enough dorm space to hold approximately 30 teens! Please pray that the Lord will send just the right amount of teens for camp next week. If you know of a teen in the NC area that would like to attend camp, have them contact us!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

"We're going to Camp...

...we're going to have a ball!" This week is our Jr. Camp in Branford, FL. As I type, we are on our way!! We are expecting around 35 campers. Please pray for the Lord to work in the camper's hearts. We will try to post some pics each night!!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Wanted: Camp Dorms!

We have the opportunity to purchase 32' RV's to be used here in North Carolina as camp dorms. After doing extensive research, we determined that we could sleep 8-10 people in each with minimal modification. We are asking God for 10 or 11 of these units. These campers would be an alternative to traditional lodging that would not encumber the ministry with a large mortgage. A reseller in Lumberton, Miss. has offered to sell these unit for $1850 each. They were oringinally $18,000. We praise the Lord that we have 5 units promised & will be able to pick them up before camp!! We are now sending out an appeal for the rest of the needed units. If a church or individual in honor or memory of someone, please let us know. If you'd like more information on these project, please feel free to contact us!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Snake in my HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was putting dishes away when out from behind my cabinets came this wonderful creature!!
Can you see his ugly little head peaking out? Tim got out the rifle, but we decided that we didn't want to try to explain to our landlord why there were holes in the cabinets & walls. Score one for the snake. I finally found the red pepper, score TWO for me!! The red pepper made the snake go into the container, and we took him off to the woods.
Obviously I was not going to take any chances!! So, for all you animal lovers, no animals were harmed, but harm was seriously thought of!!! I guess it was good camp training, but I'm still jumping back everytime I open a cabinet!!!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Father/Son Camping Retreat

We had over 40 fathers and sons in attendance for this years father-son camping trip! A good time was had by all! Notice all the food pictures that Tim took? He said he wanted everyone to know what one of the most important aspects of camping!! Special thanks to the John Langdon family for allowing us to use their property. As well thans to Mr. Dallas for cooking and tracy for the registration help. Thanks to J.W. and April for moving the cows over for us and all the extra food and such. It was a great time with Donny Tippet smoking a pig and creating a bonfire that slightly resembled a volcano. The nature prayer walk was great and the friendships and fun will last forever. The guys decided that in Sept. we should do a family retreat and let the girls come too. Wendy says only if you bring lots of chocolate.

Thursday, April 22, 2010


The Bible says in James that faith without works is dead, so this week, I exercised my faith! I decided on paint colors & bought decorations for the camp office that the Lord is going to give us!! Hopefully, soon, since I now have decided what I would like the office to look like! Continue to pray as we have some decisons to make concerning camp up here in North Carolina!

Monday, April 19, 2010


Impossible is not a word, just a reason for someone not to try. God has been doing some awesome behind the scenes work in our lives & we are just now beginning to realize it! I'm so glad I serve the God of the impossible & that He chose me to do his work!!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Spring Break In Review!!

We had a wonderful spring break last week! Mom, Dad & Chris came up for a visit & we did all kinds of interesting things. Mylanie got to go to Build-A-Bear. i think we spent over 2 hours trying to decide everything!! Tim learned to make cheese. We'll see in a couple of months how that turns out! We all got to go to a free spring training game for UNC's football team. Special for me!! Go Tarheels!! We finished planting our garden & went to the Farmer's market for some plants. EVERYONE took a turn on the trampoline. (Did I mention I love Craig's List? A trampoline & all the safety stuff for $5!!!)

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!!

We pray that you can say along with us "I know that MY Redeemer lives!!!!"

Monday, March 29, 2010

Living Lord's Supper

Sunday night Tim had the opportunity to portray Thomas for our church's reinactment of the Last Supper. Each man gave a short monologue tell a little bit about the disciples background & what they might have been feeling that night. The men in the program worked very hard & the Spirit of the Lord was there Sunday night. The devil came too, but he didn't stay very long once he realized that the lack of electricity wasn't going to stop anything! Just as they were about to start, a good portion of Benson lost power due to the storms that went through. So, we lighted candles and continued. It was a powerful program & I'm so glad they continued because one precious soul was saved & many more were touched by the reality of what Jesus did for us. I've attached a video of Tim's monologue. I hope you are blessed! It really made you feel that you were there. It reminds us all of what a great price was paid for our salvation. The play took about two months of weekly practices and few late nights but it was well worth it. The question is repeatedly asked Is it I that betrays the Lord? When we think about it all of us have betrayed him in our lives at one point or another.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Happiness Is...

...the emotional awaking to the things God has done!! That's what we learned this week at our Ladies Conference. We had a great time watching the guys cook, learning about Biblical happiness & just spending time together! What a BIG change from Jr. Camp:) Thank you to all the ladies who came. I pray that you are still happy!!

Monday, March 8, 2010

This is the day the Lord has made...

I WILL rejoice & be glad! (Even if I have to do end-of-the-year financial reports & IRS Forms today!)

Sunday, March 7, 2010

We'd like to thank the Lord for an awesome concert last night!! We had over 160 people in attendance from about 10 different churches! Calvary's Mark & BLACK CREEK sang a great concert & were such a blessing! The food and the fellowship was wonderful. Continue to pray for property. We were able to begin to raise the necessary funds. It just feels so slow!!! A BIG thank you to all who helped in the kitchen, brought food, set up & took down tables & chairs, decorated, & cooked. We are truly blessed to have such wonderful friends & a great church family supporting us!!

Monday, February 8, 2010

More Praises:)

A journey of faith is not without it's doubts. Sometimes you ask, "God, are we doing the right thing?" He is so faithful to show His way! In the past week & half, we have seen Stillwater South booked for the entire month of Feb., a week in March & a week in Nov! Plus, a very much needed washer & dryer donated, PLUS all the stuff that I last posted!!!! PLUS PLUS PLUS---Stillwater received its non-profit, tax-exempt status from the government today!!!! Thank you so much to Tony at Langdon & Associates for all the hard work to make this happen!! God is so good!!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

A Big Prayer Praise Times Two!!!!

Many of you know that Stillwater South (our FL house) was missing an AC unit. This also meant that the heat was out! We have been doing some serious praying about this because we have people coming to the house today!! Friends were going to leave space heaters to warm up the house, but we knew that this was not the ideal situation. Today, one of our good friends, Rusty, took someone out to the house and to make a long story short, the heat is working!!!! While we were rejoicing over this, we got a phone call saying that an AC unit was found for the house & someone is going to take care of putting it in!! God still performs miracles!! We are so excited!! Now we can say Stillwater South is officially open! PLEASE, spread the word to all the pastors & missionaries that you know & have them contact us so this house can be used for the Lord!

Snowed In:)

We have had an awesome time this weekend playing in the snow! Mylanie has gotten to experience a lot of "firsts"---Sled riding, snow angels, eating snow!!-- & all the fun stuff that goes along with a snow storm. Mr. Barry took her for her first four wheeler ride, which she loved, and gave us an awesome ride on the saucer! We got about 4 maybe 5 inches of snow, but it's enough to keep everyone in until probably Tuesday!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

After a week of converting files, uploading, downloading & linking, all of Stillwater's events through August (except the teen camp in NC) have registration forms and flyers linked to the website!! You can visit to download & print information about most of the events.

A Quick Change...

For all of you interested in either the Friends & Family Retreat or the Men's Retreat, there has been a change in dates. The Men's Retreat in NC is September 17th & 18th. The Friends & Family Retreat in FL is October 21st-23rd.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

A New Camp Idea....

I have a thought for camp dorms when God give us our property & I just had to share. Don't you think it would be the coolest thing in the world to have dorms made out of train cars & cabooses? I found train cars for sale on the internet & they are not any more expensive than a building!! With a little bit of remodeling, I think it would work. What do you think?

Friday, January 1, 2010

A very special thank you...

to Bro. Danny Woods for the donation of some AWESOME posters for our summer camps & youth revivals:) I am so excited to have some brand new decorations. All of you who will attend our camps this year are going to love them:) I can't wait!!!!