Wednesday, October 1, 2008

And we're off...

What do you say when you husband says, "I feel God is leading us into a new ministry. I'm not exactly sure what it is, but I believe it has something to do with camp." Well, I did what every good pasor's wife does and quietly "freaked out!" We've been happily serving the Lord for 13+ years at Fellowship Baptist Church in New Port Richey, FL. We have been involve in youth camps (8-12 year old) even before we were married. I've never made it a secret that I love camp and that running a camp full time would be my dream job. But that was for when we were old, and had some money saved up. Not right now. This is the only town my daughter has ever known, and I just figured we grow old here and retire into camp ministry. But the Lord had other plans for us. The Lord has been leading us for several months now. The first few posts will be a recap of how we had to be pushed by God to start and then we'll try to post at least once a week. We invite you to follow along with us as we begin to tell you about what I now refer to as our "Incredible Journey of Faith" that has only just begun and truly it has already been incredible...

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