Friday, October 10, 2008

A Special Thank You:)

Today I'd like to say a very special thank you to the Fellowship Baptist Academy Volleyball Team, Cindy McKeel, Jodi Kulp, Gina & Bill MacLellan, my mom & dad (for driving the bus and just being who you are) & brother. Together we tackled a tough project--our change drive banks!!! For those of you who don't know, we are putting together a change drive to help raise the money to purchase the camp property. Some very wonderful people in our church pulled funds together to help us purchase the banks. (Another prayer request answered!) The banks are made of cardboard and come some assembly required!! Kinda like putting a 3D puzzle together. Much laughter and some minor frustration (poor Bill!!) was spent putting them together & taking them apart, deciding who should stick to putting labels on only (my wonderful husband who is horrible at puzzles) and others maybe who should just watch (Bill, again) In the hour and a half we were on the road, we put together 231 banks:) Thanks so much everyone!! I'm going to miss all the road trip singing and silliness. I love you girls:)

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