Friday, May 8, 2009

Praises, Frustrations, & More Praises!!!

Grandpa is HOME!! Mylanie was singing this through the house yesterday. Grandpa got to come home yesterday and we are so very thankful. The hosptial is not his favorite place to be!! We spent a long night trying to straighten out his medication with the VA Pharmacy. I finally got so frustrated that I began calling and voicing my frustrations to several different people. Finally at 10pm we got the medications he needs!! Do NOT ask me about government health care!! There's still a litte bit of a mess, so pray that I will be able to politely voice our needs!! We would like to thank all of you for being so kind and for praying for us all. So many of you have called, emailed, sent us a note, given us funds to help with the trip. Words cannot express how much we appreciate all of you!! It's so good to know that there are so many of you praying for us. Please continue to pray for Grandpa that there will be little pain. The doctors cannot do anything further for him. We don't know what the future holds, but we do know who holds the future!!

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