About Me
- Tim, Wendy & Mylanie
- We are a family of three that is starting out on an incredible journey of faith. This blog is for all our family and friends, both old and new, to help keep in touch:) Check out our website: www.stillwaterministry.com
Thursday, May 28, 2009
How the Obstacle Course was Made...
Tonight we got together with Russ & Judy Walton to build some of the obstacle course pieces for camp. I think Russ & Judy are going to love camp as much as I do!! We had a lot of fun as you can tell from the pictures and now you all can see how much "work" camp really is!!
Monday, May 25, 2009
Happy Memorial Day & Happy Birthday, Chris!!
I want to wish all of you a happy Memorial Day, and to all you who have served our country, Thank you very much!! We greatly appreciate you!! Today is also my brother's 30th birthday! Happy birthday Chris!! I still remember when you were born!! You were so cute!! What happened? Just kidding! I love you very much and am so glad you are my brother. Our family took a day off today and went to the zoo! We had a great time!! Check out the wildlife!!

Sunday, May 24, 2009
Solid Rock Baptist Church
Saturday, May 23, 2009
One More Time!!
I just had to share something that happened to us today at supper. We stopped for supper at a barbque restaurant tonight, and as we were eating someone started asking around about the bug and trailer that was parked outside. Tim said it was ours and wanted to know if there was a problem. The man said no and said I just wanted to give you this. He gave us $5! We have no clue who this man was, he just saw the trailer! Don't you just love the ways God used to encourage us!!
I'm posting twice today!!
We took a bit of family time this afternoon. The Conference we finished today around 1pm, and we had some extra time so we stoped at the park. We followed a trail and I just had to share some picture of what we found!

Isn't God's Creation beautiful!?!?!?

Isn't God's Creation beautiful!?!?!?
Have You Ever...?
...woke up in the car and wondered what you were doing there? That's how I felt this morning. We left for Lewisville, NC at 6:00am!! We attended a Small Church Pastor's Conference at Lewisville Baptist Church and Pastor Les Puryear. It was a really great conference. We had the opportunity to present Stillwater, and give out a few camp applications!!! Did I mention I was excited for camp this year? We also had a prayer request answered. I guess you could say more of a "want request." We've been looking for some accompaniment music CD that was just piano, we even had a pianist at Benso Grove that was willing to make one for us. We just have been unable to get together. Well, today we met Tony from Worship Service Resources. This ministry makes accompaniment CDs for churches that do not have piano players. It's a really great ministry. You can check them out at http://www.wsrpianocds.com/. Isn't it neat how God answers our wants as well as our needs? Thanks so much Tony!!
Here's a picture of Lewisville Baptist Church. I also had to include a picture of Mylanie to brag on her at bit. She has been a tremendous help, not only to us, but also to others. She helped service lunch and helped Bro. Tony!! You did awesome Mylanie!!
Friday, May 22, 2009
A week in review...
I know I'm horribly behind in posting anything. I'm going to make it up to you. by posting a whole week's worth of stuff. Are you ready?
Saturday, we left GA and came back to North Carolina. We had a safe trip and the trailer did fine. Do you like the new look?
Sunday we were in our home church. It was great to be back and we had a day of rest!!
Monday began earnest preparations for camp!! It's going to be a great camp! If you don't come, you're going to miss some awesome stuff!!
Tuesday, Mylanie began karate lessons. She loves them!! She also found a tree to climb!!
Wednesday night Tim preached at Benson Grove. He gave a wonderful message.
Thursday was karate lessons again. We also had another daughter for a while. This is Jesse.
Friday we attended an awesome concert by the Tally Trio.
And now I am all caught up. I won't make any promises about staying that way, though!! Thank you to all who have been praying for Tim's dad. He has been having some very rough nights. Please pray that the doctors will be able to find the right medicine to help him.
Friday, May 15, 2009
It's finally finished!!!
For Mother's Day this year Tim's mom asked for help cleaning up a room in her house. After a week of working on and off, and looking at tons of pictures and sharing good memories, we finished. Here are some pics.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Watching the Wildlife
Have You Ever...?
Done something just because it was crazy and you could? Today my husband did and I have proof. We were running the paper route for Tim's Mom & Dad today, as we were driving along we saw a box in the road. So, Tim pulled over and ran back. (He was feeling young!) The box was full of squash! I guess it fell off a produce truck. The squash in the box was in good condition. I can't say the same for the ones on the road!! Can you see the car coming up behind him? He did make it off the bridge in time, but it was close!!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Quick Update
We are still in GA and will probably be here until Friday. The doctors are currently trying to regulate his medicine. He is on a medicine for blood clots, if it's too much, he could bleed internally and not stop, if it's not enough, blood clots will develop. He looks like a pin cushion and everytime he goes to get blood drawn, he says he's going to the "vampire"!!
Monday, May 11, 2009
Just Hangin' Around
Friday, May 8, 2009
Praises, Frustrations, & More Praises!!!
Grandpa is HOME!! Mylanie was singing this through the house yesterday. Grandpa got to come home yesterday and we are so very thankful. The hosptial is not his favorite place to be!! We spent a long night trying to straighten out his medication with the VA Pharmacy. I finally got so frustrated that I began calling and voicing my frustrations to several different people. Finally at 10pm we got the medications he needs!! Do NOT ask me about government health care!! There's still a litte bit of a mess, so pray that I will be able to politely voice our needs!! We would like to thank all of you for being so kind and for praying for us all. So many of you have called, emailed, sent us a note, given us funds to help with the trip. Words cannot express how much we appreciate all of you!! It's so good to know that there are so many of you praying for us. Please continue to pray for Grandpa that there will be little pain. The doctors cannot do anything further for him. We don't know what the future holds, but we do know who holds the future!!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Extra Room!!
As many of you know, we travel in a VW Bug. We get great gas mileage, but very little luggage room. In the process of looking for a small trailer, Tim emailed someone on Craig’s list. To make a long story short, the couple found our website and donated the trailer!! Thank you so much to this family:) Now Wendy can pack two or three pairs of shoes!!
Monday, May 4, 2009
Special Prayer Request
As I am typing, we are on our way to Valdosta, GA to spend some time with Tim's parents. Last Tuesday, Tim's dad went to the hospital with a heart attack. The doctors put a stint in his heart and everything seem OK. While he was in the hospital, tests were done to see why he was having pain in his stomache. The test results came back with Stage 4 cancer. We do not know what God has in store for Grandpa now, but please pray for us. He will be in the hospital until at least Friday for the doctors to finish running their tests. Grandpa don't be too mad at me for putting in your picture!! We love you!!
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