Tuesday, February 24, 2009

It's Your Turn!!

This week I'm collecting praises and you are going to help me. Here's how it works. Down at the end of this post is a place for comments. Simply click on the word that says "comments" and create a user name and password. Everything is free. Tell me what you are most thankful for or something special God has done in your life. This way we will all have a full collection of praises to look back on when we are feeling down! I'll get us started. I'm thankful for:
  1. A dryer that works!! This was a bit of a problem in FL!
  2. A God who listens to the prayers of a child and cares enough to answer them!
  3. A loving, supportive family! I love you Mom, Dad, & Mom & Dad Boone!!
  4. A new church that has already treated us like family!!
  5. And last but not least, Chocolate!!!

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