Tuesday, February 24, 2009

It's Your Turn!!

This week I'm collecting praises and you are going to help me. Here's how it works. Down at the end of this post is a place for comments. Simply click on the word that says "comments" and create a user name and password. Everything is free. Tell me what you are most thankful for or something special God has done in your life. This way we will all have a full collection of praises to look back on when we are feeling down! I'll get us started. I'm thankful for:
  1. A dryer that works!! This was a bit of a problem in FL!
  2. A God who listens to the prayers of a child and cares enough to answer them!
  3. A loving, supportive family! I love you Mom, Dad, & Mom & Dad Boone!!
  4. A new church that has already treated us like family!!
  5. And last but not least, Chocolate!!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


We were very grateful to receive our Incorporation from the State of North Carolina via email. It was even more surprising to receive them on a government holiday. God is truly working, we are now an offical corporation in the state of North Carolina. Our new mailing address is PO Box 924 Benson NC 27504. Please be praying for Lila Hicks and family. Mr. Joes Hicks went home to be with the Lord yesterday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Hicks have been serving God in many capacities for well over 50 years now. We will certainly be going back to Fl for services. Bro. Joe half built my library of Christian books and commentaries and I will never forget the time we spent in Mexico together. Mrs. Hicks has been the office manager for Fellowship Baptist for many wonderful years and we love them very much.

Monday, February 16, 2009


We would like to say a special thank you to The MacLellan family and the Lechner family for helping us move all our stuff to NC. They helped us get settled in and find our way around up here. We alsow want to say thank you to the Barbour family for welcoming us here so kindly and also to Benson Grove Baptist Church for the warm reception we received upon joing yesterday. Pray for our meetings this week with pastors and business people int he area concerning property purchase.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

We're Finally Here!!

We arrived in North Carolina safe and sound Monday evening. Many of you know that we rented a house without ever seeing it. We were amazed when we arrived. We are living in an old farmhouse that has been modernized. It has 3 bedrooms, a "parlor", a kitchen, a dining room, a living room, a big front porch, and a bathroom (of course!!) We drive down a long dirt lane to get to the house. There are plenty of woods to explore and a fishing pond, which we have already tried out:) The pictures don't really show how nice it is. God never ceases to amaze me. When He calls you to a task, He always provides your needs just a little bit better that what you ever expected!