Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Yes, we still are alive!!

It's been an amazing week and I'm going to try to give you a quick run down of everything. Tim has started his Super Bowl driving job which will last through Tuesday or Wednesday of next week. He driving for a company that's contracted to the NFL, so who knows who he'll meet.... Mylanie and I are busy packing. We will be official North Carolinaians (I hope that's a word!) as of Feb. 9th. The Lord has provided a place for us to stay through one of the members of Bro. Billy's church. It's a three bedroom house on about an acre of land with a small pond!! Tim is very excited about the pond!! Our Florida house may be rented we had someone come and look at it on Monday. We got about an hours notice. You should have seen the boxes fly!! They've given a verbal promise and we'll know by Friday if they put down a deposit. Plans for Jr Camp in North Carolina are progressing. The dates are July 6th-9th. We are praying that God will give us the property so we can host this camp on Stillwater land!! I think that brings us up-to-date on all the happenings. Feel free to send us a comment & let us know who's reading our blog!!

1 comment:

Blossom said...

Brrrr, so cold. Being from the Virgin Islands where it is super sunny all year round -more than Florida- I don't think you will ever catch me on the beach in temperatures you just described. :) Well, when God moves, it is often fast and furious. That is why I am delighted to know of the house waiting in Carolina and that the Florida house is almost rented. These are things that seem minor to some folks, but, on a journey like this; we know it's one of God's big miracles of our ordinary life. I am praying that camp opens at Stillwater this summer. God can do it if He chooses.