Today we had an update meeting with First Baptist of Port Richey. This is the very first church we presented Stillwater to one year ago:) Things have changed for them, too! Last year at this time, we were just staring out & they were trying to get the loan they needed for their new building. Now, they are in their brand new building & it looks awesome! It's always great to see old friends again. We love you Pastor Bond & Mrs. Sherry:)
About Me
- Tim, Wendy & Mylanie
- We are a family of three that is starting out on an incredible journey of faith. This blog is for all our family and friends, both old and new, to help keep in touch:) Check out our website:
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Work Day:)
We spent this weekend working on the house! It's coming along slowly. We got a couch today and a few other pieces of furniture. At the end of next week, I'll post before and after pics so you can see what God has done. For now, here are some pics to prove that we're actually working!!
Moving some furniture. Did you know that recliners come in pieces?!?
Grandma making her yummy rolls! We love you, Grandma!!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Flip Flops & Short Sleeves!!
That's what I'm wearing today:) Florida is so nice & warm!!! We're having a great time with family & friends. For the next week and half, we'll be meeting with several churches about Jr. Camp & also the possibility of a Florida Teen Camp too! Hopefully by the end of the month we'll have next year's calendar ready. Already, we have 11 or 12 camp & conference booked for 2010!!
Monday, November 23, 2009
On the Road Again!!
As I type, we are heading to Florida to spend Thanksgiving with our family. We'll be meeting Tim's mom with her camper on the way down and have Thanksgiving at Wendy's parent's house. While we in Florida, we hope to set up the house and have it all ready for pastors & missionaries to use. If you know of any place that has inexpensive, nice house furnishings, let us know. We pretty much need everything from furnishings to linens to dishes!! Also, our dog, Diamond, heard about our accident and this is what he decided to do!!
Can you tell he's wearing a seatbelt?!?!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Lighthouse Teen Camp
This past couple of weeks, we had the opportunity to mentor Lighthouse Baptist Church with setting up their Teen Camp. We had a lot of fun helping them come up with a great schedule as well as setting up the fooseball court and an obstcale course. It felt very different to only be involved in the set up & take down and not be directly involved with the kids. Lighthouse had a great camp, 3 kids made disicions for Christ!!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
In case you haven't heard, we had our first NC fender-bender. We are OK, not even a scratch!! We were stopped to turn left with a car behind us. A teenage girl was talking on her cell phone & hit the car behind us which hit us. Fortunately we were in the red truck and not the bug! Our back bumper is slightly bent and the hitch cover was broken. The license plate on the front of the other car wrapped around our tail pipe! Just yesterday I was complaining that my bug is broken, but today I am VERY thankful!! Everyone involved is OK, no injuries!! We can't say as much for the other two cars!! We were the only vehicle to drive away! Thank the Lord for his protection!!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Teen Revival:)
We had a great teen revival this weekend, despite the fact that all the football playoff games on Friday got rained out and had to be played all day Sat:( We had around 30 teens attend and many of them made comittments live an addiction free life!!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Field Trip Day!!
Friday, November 6, 2009
It's Sweet Potato Time!
Right now, the farmer's are harvesting crops. One of the big crops around here is sweet potatoes. The neat thing is after the field has been harvested, anyone is allowed to go into the field and pick up the leftovers. (Kinda reminds you of the story of Ruth...) So, we did!! Doesn't Mylanie look so proud of her sweet potato? By the way, the picnic table she's sitting on is one of the one Tim's been making out of pallet wood. He's been selling them on a regular basis!!

Monday, November 2, 2009
Oh Christmas Tree!!
Yes, I said Christmas Tree!! One of the greatest advantages to living on a large amount of property is that we get to pick our Christmas tree!! We went looking a bit this week and found one that we think might work. No, we are not going to cut it until after Thanksgiving, but I love Christmas time so much that we just had to look!! This will be the first live tree we've had. I'm sure that getting it cut & in the house will be fun, so we'll keep you posted!!
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