We found the tent a couple weeks ago at Tim's parent's house. He remembered all the good times he had camping and convinced Mylanie that she needed to try it. For those of you who know that I'm not such a great outdoor camping type person, I guess I was OK with it all. We took our huge air matress to sleep on & we got a site with electricity!! So we had most of the comforts of home! We had a good time. Mylanie got to play in the pool, Sunday & Monday. She misses her pool very much. The things you will do for your children!!
About Me
- Tim, Wendy & Mylanie
- We are a family of three that is starting out on an incredible journey of faith. This blog is for all our family and friends, both old and new, to help keep in touch:) Check out our website: www.stillwaterministry.com
Monday, July 27, 2009
Something New
This week we are in Rocky Mount at Harvest Baptist Church. (More on that later.) Instead of driving back and forth so many times on Sunday, we decided to try something a little bit new for our family...
Saturday, July 25, 2009
VBS @ Benson Grove
We just finished VBS here in NC. Our theme was "Polar Extreme." We learned a new verse to I May Never March in the Infantry. Next time you see Mylanie you'll have to ask her to sing it. Her favorite part of VBS was the crafts & the slushies! The litte stinker managed to get herself two slushies almost every night!!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Congrats, Gina!! Go Girls!!
Our Florida church, Fellowship Baptist, just completed their VBS & I got some awesome pics!! Each year they have a penny contest between the boys & girls. Our friends, Bill & Gina, were the team leaders this year. The girls won!! Congratulations, Gina!! So, sorry Bill!! You can see what happens to the leader of the losing team!

Monday, July 20, 2009
Bemiss Road Baptist Church, Valdosta, GA
Yes, we are in Georgia right now!! We had a wonderfully uneventful trip down from NC to bring Tim's mom home. NO flat tires!!! Sunday night, Tim had the opportunity to preach in his home church. He spoke on giving your fears to God. We had a wonderful service. Thank you so much for taking us on monthly as one of your missionaries!! We have come to love and appreciate Bro Danny, Mrs. Cheryl & their family!!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Lighthouse Baptist Church, Benson, NC
We had a wonderful Wednesday night service with our friends at Lighthouse Baptist. Some of their kids came to Jr Camp this year and Pastor Tim Bass preached a service for camp, so it was like a home comming!! We appreciate so much all the wonderful folks there and especially the great musicians who played "Power in the Blood" with us!! We look forward to seeing you all again!!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Stillwater's First Jr. Camp...

...was a great success!! We had 15 campers and 2 were saved!! A wonderful time was had by everyone. We loved being able to host our second camp of the year. As you all know, I LOVE camp!! Here are some pictures, hopefully by tomorrow evening you should be able to see more on the Jr Camp website - stillwaterministry.org.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Happy 4th of July!!
For all of you that follow our blog, yes, I am back posting! And yes, I back posted a few others!! It's been an amazing summer and I just haven't had the time to get caught up. Here's a few pics of what we did on the 4th. Check out the fireworks picture. If you can't tell, it's a face!!And now all of you know that I'm not really a great blogger, just really good at changing the times on the blog posts!! 
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